Croquettes and meatballs machine

Save money and time by obtaining maximum profitability for your business. Croquettes and meatballs machine. Automated Breading and Shaping Machine. Simple programming system for easy start-up and cleaning. High production and home madel finished product!

Design and Technology

30 years designing and applying technology, aiming to improve and make more profitable your business.

Business Idea

Our extensive international experience allows us to advice you, about new business trends that are currently very successful around the world.

After-Sales Service

All our team will be at your disposal for any doubts that you may have, and are always open to suggestions for machine´s design.


An excellent professional team, is at your disposition with the aim of giving you advice about, you business idea. We will support you in order to improve business’s profitability.

Easy Installation

Our priority is to design easy operable appliances for any user: easy to clean, and highly versatile product with a wide range of options tailored to the needs of your business.

Gobla Expansion

Our machinery can be installed anywhere around the world.


More information about our company

You can program the exact grammage, as well as the diameter and length. Being able to elaborate from cocktail croquettes to large croquettes and even spherical format.


Avoid any waste

Our patented system allows you to work with any type of dough, without the need to clean the machine when changing products and flavors.

Tipical spanish food, croquettes, foreground, in Madrid

Allows you to work with any type of dough

The design of the machine allows it to work with any type of food dough, regardless of whether the dough is soft or hard.

IMA cream & croquette cook

Quality, high tech and reliability.

The best choice, undoubtedly, for your business.
The complete IMA equipment, for the elaboration of artisan croquettes, is the most profitable and safest solution to guarantee success in your kitchen.

Martín Berasategui

Trust in us


Martín Berasategui

Chef at the Martín Berasategui restaurant Gipuzkoa


Andreu Genestra

Chef at the Andreu Genestra restaurant Mallorca


María José San Román

Chef at the Monastrell restaurant Alicante


Jordi Vilà

Chef at the Alkimia restaurant Barcelona


Luis Veira

Chef at the O Xardin de Arbore restaurant A Coruña

Without a doubt the most intelligent and profitable investment for the success of your business

Call us and we will answer any questions you may have about our machinery.

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